Shell 脚本编程
Java 开发笔记
If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime. (如果你交给某人一个程序,你将折磨他一整天;如果你教某人如何编写程序,你将折磨他一辈子。) – 摘自程杰《大话数据结构》
设计精良的模块和设计糟糕的模块的唯一最大区别,就是对其他模块隐藏本模块内部数据和其他实现细节的程度。——Joshua Bloch
The single most important factor that distinguishes a well-designed module from a poorly designed one is the degree to which the module hides its internal data and otherimplementationdetails from other modules. —Joshua Bloch
每个人都应该学习一门编程语言。学习编程教你如何思考,就像学法律一样。学法律并不一定要为了做律师,但法律教你一种思考方式。学习编程也是一样,我把计算机科学看成是基础教育,每个人都应该花1年时间学习编程。——史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steven Paul Jobs)
Interestingly, if programmers work with a substantial portion of the code, rather than just a few lines, the chance of making acorrect modification improves. Specifically, as the number of lines changed increases from one to five lines, the chance of making a bad change increases. After that, the chance of making a bad change decreases.